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Work & School Life


College Students on Break
College Students in Corridor
Image by Susan Q Yin


Going into a new job can be intimidating. Talk with your boss and explain what you need in order to succeed. Explain if you need additional support or what helps you work best (Employing a person with ADHD, 2019).


A few ideas that can help you succeed in the work environment are provided below:

  1. Use a planner, write things down and stay organized

  2. Find a good support system at work

  3. Talk with your boss and ask the following questions:

  • Being flexible

  • Use visual prompts

  • Reduce distractions, ask to use headphones or have your own space

  • Have tasks broken down 

  • Allow for breaks 


Being a student and having ADHD can be really tough. You may have a lack of concentration, forgetfulness, and answering out of turn (School and college, 2019). You may also have this feeling of being misunderstood, or feeling alienated (Solden & Frank, 2019).


Don’t beat yourself up, you’re not the only one. A few things you can do to help make your life a little easier is to try the following ideas:

  • Use a planner, write things down and stay organized

  • Try and sit next to people who don’t distract you

  • Ask your teacher to take “time-outs” where you cans step outside the classroom to calm down

  • Ask questions if you don’t understand something

  • Take good notes to help for exams

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